Its installation is expensive and small scale concerns cannot afford it. Under this method, yardstick is provided in the form of job classes or grades. There are four methods of job evaluation which comes under two categories, the non quantitative and quantitative. The job evaluation method that determines the relative worth of jobs on the basis of their parts, including skill, mental, physical, responsibility, and environmental requirements, is the _____ method. A committee consisting of the foremen or the supervisor, the representative of the personnel department and the representative of the employees is generally formed for Job Evaluation. For this purpose, a committee comprising of certain executives is formed. 1350), job B in effort 450), job C in responsibility 255) and job D in working conditions 540), then correct wage will be 2595 (Rs 1350 +Rs450 +Rs 255 +Rs 540). 6,000, the job carrying 600 points must get Rs. (a)deck of cards … Moreover, this method is well-appreciated in speeding up the process of job evaluation. It restricts the right of the trade unions to negotiate with the management in respect of fixation of wages. Which of the following is not one of the typical methods used by job evaluation committees to determine the worth of a job? Compensable Job The first step in evaluating a job is to decide what factors differentiate the … Which of the following is not one of the methods of job evaluation discussed in the text? 9,000. Skill may be assigned 250 points which may be further subdivided into its components such as education 70, experience 110 initiative and ingenuity 70. Services, Four Methods of Job Evaluation: Ranking, Classification, Point & Factor Comparison, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Paired comparison is a part of a non-analytical job evaluation where comparison is made in paired wise form of the job. There are different rates of wages for different grades of jobs. The following steps, (as given by Edwin B Flippo) are involved: (e) Allocate the correct rate of each key job among the job factors, (f) Evaluate all other jobs in terms of these factors (use it as yardstick), (g) Design, adjust and operate the wage structure. The process of job evaluation involves the following steps: Gaining acceptance: Before undertaking job evaluation, top management must explain the aims and uses of the program to managers, emphasizing the benefits.Employees and unions may be consulted, depending on the legal and employee relations environment and company culture. 3. With this approach, the job analyst actually performs the job and to gets first hand exposure. (III) Construction of factor-scales or allocating of points. Personal observation method is not a method of job evaluation. (d) The arbitrary ranking of jobs may be resented by the employees. In the light of job evaluation and then a fair wage structure should be designed. Section Supervisor 3. (b) Responsibility towards machines and material, safety of others and work of others. 5. For example M.F. The job analyst gets an actual feel of job as well as the physical, environmental and social demands of the job. It requires leadership by a competent manager. Usually, the factors considered are the same as under point system viz., skill, responsibility, working conditions, physical and mental efforts. The Following Steps are involved in This System: Although ranking can take place without job description, it is better if a job description is prepared beforehand. This system requires the services of experts. Few jobs are selected from different departments for this purpose. The method has the following merits: 1. In order to increase the reliability of ranking, this exercise is undertaken twice or thrice b… According to A.R. Its installation is expensive and small scale concerns cannot afford it. Generally 8 to 12 classifications are considered sufficient. 8 The following is not a on the job training method A Understudies. It is the most comprehensive and accurate method of job evaluation. a. ranking method b. forced distribution method c. factor comparison method d. statistical/policy capturing method ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 271 OBJ: 4 BLM: Remember 18. Job evaluation reviews the job rates. A. 2. ANS: B 4. 4. It's also a way for getting a hierarchy of jobs on … 1. This system requires the services of experts. Many employers design different evaluation plans for different types of work. A) The terms of reference must be spelled out for the committee. Which one of the following job evaluation methods involves determining the relative worth of each job being evaluated and then assigning each job to a specific job level? Advantages of Job Evaluation: Job Evaluation Results into Following Advantages: The method can not be manipulated. Job evaluation has to do with determining the monetary value of a job, whereas job analysis has to do with analyzing a job to determine the tasks it entails. a. Suppose five key jobs are selected. All jobs within one grade are treated alike in the matter of salary. (vi) It provides a sound base for bonus schemes and helps in job classification and work simplification. As in job ranking, the classification method does not call for a detailed or quantitative analysis of individual parts of the job, but is based on the job as a whole. 2. Job instruction c. Role play d. Case Study (Ans: b) 24. This method ranks jobs in order based on each job’s perceived value in relation to the others, says Neelman. In this method, a point system is made based on the overall monetary value of a position within the company. Its installation is expensive and small scale concerns cannot afford it. 1. The final job evaluation method is the point method, which measures performance through scales and job factors rather than focusing on entire job functions and ranking employees against each other. 5. 7. b. A) Check that benchmark jobs are equivalent to market comparator jobs. In the ranking method of job evaluation, a whole job is compared with others and rank is provided on the basis of this comparison. Job evaluation as a process is advantageous to a company in many ways: Reduction in inequalities in salary structure - It is found that people and their motivation is dependent upon how well they are being paid. Many employers design different evaluation plans for different types of work. No employee should get a reduction in his pay as a result of the job evaluation. Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. The job evaluation process defines a systematic and definite way of working for the workers as well as the management, which works as the backbone of the success of the company. In fact, much has to be done afterwards (for eliminating wages controversies). (iii) Selection of key jobs. 1. - Definition & Types, Why Do Workers Join Unions? B) Technical and clerical support resources need to be provided. It introduces inflexibility in wage structure. No weight or points are specified for these factors. Explanation: The four typical job evaluation methods are as follows: Factor comparison. Scales once developed can be used for a long time. Wages for any unlike jobs can be calculated. In a larger organization, it is more complex to use, but sometimes it can still work if jobs are grouped by job families—professional level, etc. a. (a) There is no pre-determined yardstick. Since few factors are selected, there is no overlapping of factors. - Definition, Rules & Example, Human Resource Information Systems: Costs & Benefits to Employees, HR and Organizations, Performance Management: Definition & Process, Human Resource Planning: Definition & Process, Workforce Analysis Considerations: Staffing & Planning, Common Compensation Systems: Salary, Hourly, Contractor, Pay-For-Performance, What are HR Metrics? It is fairly easy method to explain to employees. Advantages of Job Evaluation: Job Evaluation Results into Following Advantages: 4. (c) It can be installed without any delay as it requires lesser time. Therefore, this system is suitable for small scale concerns only. Evaluation helps determine the extent to which _____ have been achieved (v) It helps in bringing uniformity in wage structure. A great care should be takes while framing questions for different grades of employees. Quantitative methods include point rating method and factor comparison methods. All rights reserved. Content Filtrations 6. C Management by objectives (MBO) D Case study method. Methods for Job Evolution: 1.Non-Quantitative and 2.Quantitative! Selection of factors is a difficult task. (a) market pricing (b) point factor (c) classification (d) factor comparison 9. Which of the following is NOT true of the usage of multiple plans versus single job evaluation plans? It is more objective method of job evaluation. The jobs are ranked by considering one factor at a time. Non quantitative methods includes ranking method and grading method. 2. A. Its usefulness is restricted only to big concerns as its installation requires time and finance. The last step is to evaluate the jobs by assigning points to various factors as laid down in the job specifications. 2. (iii) Any dispute relating to wages can be easily settled by referring it to the job evaluating committee. The job evaluation method that uses predetermined classes of jobs is the _____ method. The jobs may be graded as skilled, unskilled, routine, administrative, etc. To elaborate the program further, … (iii) Since only judgment is used for all jobs, it may prove to be incorrect. 32. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Disclaimer 9. c. Typically, a related group of jobs is used for evaluation. Job Ranking. Which one of the following is the most commonly used method of job evaluation? It requires leadership by a competent manager. 8. For example, if a job having 400 points is paid? Each grade should be sufficiently large to include a number of jobs. The methodology and decision making plays a pivotal role in how the specific job duties assist in the job evaluation method to use appropriately methods for the process. Prejudice and human judgement are minimized. May work well for smaller companies. They are: 1. Group discussion b. On the basis of job analysis, each member of the job evaluation committee ranks each job independently either against the benchmark job or against all other jobs. B Job rotation. 3. Which one of the following is not a paired-comparison method used for job ranking? The Different Kinds of Job Evaluation Methods Job evaluation is a systematic and objective process used by companies to compare jobs within their organization to assess the relative value or worth of each job. You arrange all jobs in rank order of their relative duties, responsibilities, qualification requirements, that is, their “importance” to the organization, he says. Job classification. 5. Points evaluation is the most commonly used method of job evaluation. For example job grades may be written as lower division clerk, upper division clerk, assistant, senior clerk and so on. Kress, there are eight principles of job evaluation. (iv) Each job is rated factor by factor and then the values of points are added up. The four typical job evaluation methods are as follows: Hence, the paired comparison is not considered as a method of job evaluation. This is non-quantifiable and subjective, but is a basic simple approach, says Strand. The committee goes through the job description of each job and assigns it a particular grade. This can deliver the following key benefits: This method is suitable for small concerns because the rater can measure each job in comparison with other jobs without experiencing any difficulty. B Job rotation. a. Job ranking. A job classification is prepared on the basis of ranking. Which of the following is NOT a source of gender bias associated with developing a point method job evaluation process? (ii) It is acceptable to management as well as employees. Ranking Method: This is the simplest and an inexpensive job evaluation method, wherein the jobs are ranked from he highest to the lowest on the basis of their importance in the organization. Methods of Job Evaluation – Ranking, Grading, Factor and Point Rating Method. The _____ is an excellent job analysis method for obtaining the physical abilities needed to perform a job. The demand and supply of labour is responsible for wage differentials to a great extent. The Following Steps are involved in Job Grading: (ii) Preparation of grade descriptions or job classes. - Benefits & Reasons, Direct, Indirect & Non-Financial Compensation Strategies, Common Appraisal Methods 1: Critical Incident, Graphic Rating Scale & BARS, Employee Performance Appraisal: Methods, Process & Examples, Introduction to Human Resource Management: Certificate Program, PHR Certification Exam Study Guide - Professional in Human Resources, DSST Human Resource Management: Study Guide & Test Prep, Human Resource Management: Help and Review, UExcel Human Resource Management: Study Guide & Test Prep, Human Resource Management: Skills Development & Training, Senior Professional in Human Resources - International (SPHRi): Exam Prep & Study Guide, Business 306: Strategic Human Resources Management, California Sexual Harassment Training: Supervisors, aPHR Certification Exam Study Guide - Associate Professional in Human Resources, Employee Performance Management & Evaluations, Inclusion in Performance Review & Management, English 103: Analyzing and Interpreting Literature, Biological and Biomedical The ranking is provided to the job on the basis of this comparison. Advantages of Job Evaluation: The following mentioned are few vital benefits of job evaluation. Questionnaire Method: Another commonly used job analysis method is getting the questionnaires filled from employees, their superiors and managers. Forced choice method is_____ (a) used to correct the tendency of a rater to give consistently high or low ratings to all the employees. The main objective of job evaluation is to determine the job's worth to establish an equitable salary structure. Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal Benge. The job grading method of job evaluation is a _____ method. 2. Each job will be given a rank in relation to job factors. b. 1. Jobs can be easily placed in distinct categories. A business assessment helps you to achieve your company's goals, to expand and grow your business in a smart and strategic way. The computer-assisted job evaluation method is worthwhile as it helps to ensure greater consistency. It is not automatic and is subject to all human limitations. The following are the advantages of point system: It is an objective method and wages differentials are numerically explained. Principles of Job Evaluation. 8 The following is not a on the job training method A Understudies. Further, education may be classified as ability to read or write, school education, graduation, post-graduation, special education etc. First of all, Total points for a job are determined and then these points are allocated to various factors. The wages paid for all jobs in one class will be same. 3. The use of limited number of factors (usually five) ensures less chances of overlapping and over-weighting of factors. © copyright 2003-2021 a. As the company owner, you have to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of … 2. Job-evaluation cannot be scientific though it is claimed to be so because it is based on judgment. This is the most widely used method of job evaluation. D) Ranking is usually appropriate for large employers because of the method's cost. 3. Workers insist that few more should be added viz., supervision received, amount of over time, incentive plans etc. Which of the following is NOT a source of gender bias associated with developing a point method job evaluation process? Reed have given a list of many factors viz., strength; energy; learning time ; education ; responsibility; analysis ; foresight ; judgement ; management ability ; alertness ; steady nerves ; initiative; originality ; adaptability ; memory; application ; accuracy of calculation measurement; danger; eye strain ; contact of body, dirt, wet, fumes, noise ; monotony ; heat of air, contact and radiation ; effect on clothing ; cost of tools owned by workers. The factors comparison method was developed in 1926 by E.J. 2. Top 8 Objectives of Job-Evaluation – Explained. Excessive range in the degree statements B. (c) Wages already being paid on the jobs will affect the job evaluation. Stigers and E.G. The total points of a job indicate wages. The accuracy of the results will mainly depend upon the correctness of the definitions of the job grades. For example, there may be too much difference between an office and factory job description. Job evaluation deals with the job and not with the employee holding the position. Evaluation helps determine the extent to which _____ have been achieved Job rotation (Ans: c) 23. 3. The method is best used for smaller organizations with fewer jobs (under 30‐40); it may be awkward and unwieldy for larger companies with a large number of different jobs. There are four methods of job evaluation which comes under two categories, the non quantitative and quantitative. the system cannot be easily manipulated. Thereafter, wages for each job are fixed on the basis of total points. Employers rarely evaluate all jobs in the organization at one time. Hay Job Evaluation is a method used by corporates and organizations to map out their job roles in the context of the organizational structure. Job evaluation. The method has several drawbacks. It requires leadership by a competent manager. A job evaluation is an external method of determining pay and compensation for a particular job. Being the systematic method, workers of the organization favor this method. This method is a combination of point method and rank method. It is a complicated method and is not easily explainable to employees. Advantages of Job Evaluation #1. This method gives reliable results which are acceptable to the trade unions. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Unlike point system, there is no problem of translating points into monetary values. A simple example, ranked high to low: 1. Which of the following is not method of off the job training. Job rotation (Ans: c) 23. The Ranking of Teachers in a University is as Follows: (b) It is economical (requiring less amount than other methods). It is difficult to develop points for sub-factors. c. test the system. C) The ranking method is typically more time consuming than other methods. Which of the following is not a typical source of job analysis data? However, when this method is used, the ranking should be done preferably by a committee and provided with accurate job descriptions. Assessment helps you to achieve your company 's goals, to expand and your! To various factors as laid down in the form of job evaluation, a! C. Biased job descriptions what skills a group of jobs is used, the evaluation. Please read the following is not easily explainable to employees c ) (... Corporates and organizations to map out their job roles in the past, it may prove to be,... Explained in Detail Below: different jobs as both require different factors of these disadvantages, method! 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