For now, a friend took notes – and offered them for sharing: UFT Town Hall Meeting Minutes August 13, 2020. Is there anything anyone should be doing? Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The situation room has been really good. ‍♀️ ‍♀️ ‍♂️ ‍♂️ We aren't sure what will happen but we will continue to fight for a stronger and more democratic UFT. Posts containing links may be moderated. A: We have had no decisions with the DOE about D75, because the mayor drug his feet on talking about the nuances of our schools. Q: Concerned about instructional lunch (HS speech teacher). Q: As we come into the holidays, can you encourage members to donate blood? CSA President:  This isn’t going to work. He said 25% chance, and it gets worse each day that goes by without clarity. How are you going to blow up the doe bureaucracy and make it so that our schools are supported? Can they also teach in schools? I really wanted to do this Town Hall this week because it's Thanksgiving. Right now, there are too many questions and not enough answers. Share: Similar Articles. Yet, they were told to “program”. We are all hurting. … Join us every Thursday at 4:30 PM EST for a virtual town hall meeting with NAI Farbman! Mayor asked how we can go on strike? What was acceptable pre-Covid is clearly not acceptable now. We’re pushing back as a waste of time, regardless of whether we are remote or in the buildings. UFT protecting parents, students and communities. Don’t think because you have an AC blowing cold air in the room that your room is properly ventilatedL you need outside air. NYC in a much different place. Live streaming lessons with students and a camera is not super effective–you can’t get much worse than that. There's no playback on how to do all of this in a pandemic. A: Hasn’t been clear guidance even to principals now on the 13th of August. Mulgrew was already speaking. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden speaks during a CNN drive-in Town Hall meeting in Scranton, Pennsylvania, on September 17, 2020. “No one works well if beaten down,” she said at the first in a series of five town halls with educators from each borough. Town Hall Meeting Held to Examine COVID-19 Impact On Gainesville’s Minority Communities By Emma Ross. Attendance hasn't been that great. P mentioned cluster teachers doing both in-person AND remote, and the in-person could be instructional lunch. Do not call on a Sunday to open on a Monday. Lawyers said, “people don’t have medical accommodations forever, so they should reapply”. Everything is going up, unemployment,  everyone is running out food. 1. Thank you for all you are doing. A: Not a behavioral issue but a safety issue. I want everyone to remain safe and to your families have a great Thanksgiving. Now they are saying we are all ready to start. Q: REMOTE LEARNING: don’t know what this looks like. ( Log Out /  We scheduled strike authorization for Monday night and then there was a realization from City Hall that we were very serious. We had mayors who never thanked us for anything. Inaugurations Then and Now: Memories of 2017, 1973, 1961, Back By Unpopular Demand! Say what you think and refrain from telling others what they think. A:  Send UFT an email immediately. Admins can visit. M: I'll bring it up. Some of Solidarity's leaders asked if I would like to join them in a push to bring back some democracy at UFT meetings. A couple of weeks ago they were higher. But the state has a better plan. Will they close school buildings in NYC in January? Shields might be more common than we thought; all teachers might need them. We will keep everyone up to date. Feb. 22, 2012, 3:51 p.m. Pinned by Manchester Archives + Type: photo. It is a meeting intended for everyone in the organisation, in which management reports on policy matters, and employees are given ample opportunity to respond, ask questions and enter into discussions with … As an art teacher, how do you deal with materials? Mayor announced a few weeks ago the idea of childcare for the city of NYC. Hopefully more changes can be done. Hip Hop Summit Youth Council and Assemblyman Scarborough Host Town Hall Meeting on Child Care. We will reopen. We will figure out what we can do. They calculated things differently. This is also what the Town Hall Meeting is exactly about. We want to see what can be done to accommodate for this. Cuomo has the final word. For Child Care Providers ; Administrators in Need of Improvement (ANOI) –(UPDATED AS OF SEPTEMBER 29, 2019) Rebuttals; ATR Survival Guide; Educator Survival Guide; UFT DOE 2009-2018 Contract; Get Our Android App; Guide to the 2019 UFT Elections; UFT Elections 2016 – Issues – … Favourited: 0. UFT headquarters. Accordingly, the UFT worked with the AFT and its tele-conference provider, IV Broadcast, to provide the necessary technology for the DA, just as it has for other large-scale meetings such as AFT and UFT town hall meetings. CAR days are in but still seeking full compensation Panelists from last week's educational Zoom Town Hall meeting posted on Facebook included over a dozen guest speakers and had nearly 200 viewers. Vaccine info is looking good. Q: Teacher evaluations? We have a month and a LOT to do. When I'm looking at social media, we are our own little word, we communicate, there is nothing easy about what we are doing. Maybe. Look how well hiding behind parents worked in March. 3.5.2020. International Women's Day Happy Hour. We don’t have enough teachers to staff both remote and hybrid. Yes,remote teachers will need to stream live for their students but will not attempt to replicate a normal school day. There might be teachers who will go into the building to “tape” their lessons. Opinions are welcome. Trying to ensure no one loses their jobs. We need some ammo against principal about what the union has agreed to in terms of contractual obligations. Questions We Have for Mulgrew’s October Town Hall By Member Support October 15, 2020 November 21, 2020 UFT Solidarity Posts Feel free to add more as a comment to this blog post. Is there a SPED remote teacher that can pair with a gen ed in person? Learn how our program works, member eligibility, what to expect at your appointment and more . What if the mayor insists we go in when it isn’t safe? by special guest blogger Mindy Rosier-Rayburn 3:15 UFT President Michael Mulgrew: There's lots to discuss and there are lots of challenges we are facing. Do we have the legal rights? We are going to see when this goes. character likes uuuuuuuuu... (Nekoma edition) allibunz. Taylor Law makes it illegal to strike (unless we can prove “clear and present danger” to open every school. Welcome and thanks. Is there greater PPE available for us? If a contact tracer has put you into quarantine, it won’t come out of your CAR. ( Log Out /  MAYBE, if you don’t have a full in-person schedule..  For most, it’s all one or all the other. The UFT is supposed to be the powerful union. We will see if we can help with food. 10.30.2020. Looking at Jan and Feb. Will the govt help us out of suffering? This makes no sense; we’ve worked harder in the last 6 months than we ever have. Violators will be warned, deleted, and/ or banned at sole discretion of the moderator. Testing ramps up in yellow. Repinned to. The Learning Bridges, they made some adjustments but its been so frustrating. We have another plan, another way to try to solve that problem. This is all much more expensive and higher volumes of PPE. Meetings are held at the Main Ave Fire Hall located at Main (Rt 555) and Oak, Vineland NJ. We expect standardized tests to be waived this year. Understands the anger/ fear/ anxiety. For Child Care Providers ; Administrators in Need of Improvement (ANOI) –(UPDATED AS OF SEPTEMBER 29, 2019) Rebuttals; ATR Survival Guide; Educator Survival Guide; UFT DOE 2009-2018 Contract; Get Our Android App; Guide to the 2019 UFT Elections; UFT Elections 2016 – Issues – … This winter is a big challenge. Q: Mayor said by October 1, 200,000 city workers could lose their jobs. The city threshold was 3%. We are in District 3. No one is teaching 6 period/ no one is teaching 5 in a row. For clusters: how many cohorts are we able to come into contact with in a day or in a week? Q: Whatever happened to the virtual content specialist? Join us every Thursday at 4:30 PM EST for a virtual town hall meeting with NAI Farbman! Do NOT let principals split your class into IEP/ non. “Facing the other way” is not a good way to avoid particle spread. Its under 350,000 students who opted in. We will follow CDC guidelines. A:  Yes, we’re in that pot. the calm one. UFT doing everything we can to tamp this down. (Photo by JIM WATSON / AFP) (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images) Jim Watson. Must communicate and stick together! Weekly Virtual Town Hall Meeting. May 19, 2020 Coronavirus, Government and politics. How will info be made public? A: We have requested and had conversations with the municipal labor council about this. There are always two sets of numbers. Such was the overarching theme of a District 24 town hall meeting last Friday co-hosted by the United Federation of Teachers and City Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley … That’s why the prep period is at the end of the day, so we can prep wherever we need. Is there a way you could do a combination of in person and remote? We are waiting for it to be official. Taking care of our profession and our livelihood. Share: Similar Articles. The people in the schools, they are all doing their jobs keeping the schools safe. Q: Because of MAP, I received so much support and thank you for that. Showing Faces (or Not) in Remote Instruction. Will they close school buildings in NYC in January? TUC Pensioners Meeting in Manchester Town Hall. Mayor asked how we can go on strike? Q: I'm very upset and concerned about our students about housing, food, and anything else they need. We are assuming this will happen again this year. Ones who have gotten approval indicate it said through Dec. 31, 2020. Uft town hall meeting uft town hall meeting, when we have our annual Holiday party. It is important we have a plan in place, having 2 plans do not make sense. 3.5.2020. International Women's Day Happy Hour. We don’t want any of our members to face being laid off. UFT Town Hall Tuesday, July 21st. How will grading work? If you want to work in school, we expect the vaccine will be mandated but we will get to that bridge. . M: Last yr the govt. Kindly stay on topic. UFT TOWN HALL MEETING (via phone) May 21, 2020 @ 3:15 pm Michael Mulgrew, speaker, then member Q&A . Mayor says today there WILL be a nurse in every building. But that’s tomorrow. If we do this, employees that participate can receive disciplinary actions or financial penalties. Please encourage people to donate. City will come to us to ask to give stuff back– we expect that we will. UFT Constitution 2015; UFT Finances 2014; UFT DOE 2009-2018 Contract; Membership; Member Toolbox. Q: Got a denial for medical accommodation. Which forms say where we are at? Welcome to our online registration site. Q: Some people still haven't gotten any confirmation but the extension of the medical accommodations. GOAL: Little bit longer report, but still majority questions. Buckle up. We are going to take care of each other. Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: Veronika Reichl Tel. Only in July did he begin to engage. Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña assured UFT members at a town hall meeting at union headquarters that her first priority — and the accomplishment by which she most wants to be judged — is restoring dignity and respect to the teaching profession. Only school district who got through the last recession without a layoff. He ignored it in May and June. Being put in jeopardy. These could be PS 110 teachers, or, they could be teachers from other schools. Mulgrew has penalties, he can go to jail, but we have to decide if this is what we need to do. According to a recent UFT town hall meeting, teachers may apply to stay at home for health reasons. A:  With a mask, eyeballs are still open. Good meeting with CSA. We have no agreement on ANY evaluations– our contractual agreements are completely invalid in this situation. The doctors said that mandated testing would have to be done. Live streaming is not ok UNLESS teacher says it’s ok! Change ). I want to use today to explain what we are dealing with. Persönlich und in Echtzeit . Q: CAR days and self-quarantining: what if you are exposed individually by someone outside the classroom or are just not feeling well? Huge positivity rates different than us. Q: You have become such an advocate and rockstar fighting for us. There will be a special education Town Hall meeting next week. We do NOT trust the DOE. Only about 15% teachers have applied for medical accommodations. What if the kid you are assigned is remote? NBC would do this week in education and it would be a national week of bashing teachers and the unions. Q:Told in spring that we had to work through spring break. All eyes on schools at all times. From here you can browse and review our course and event offerings, register and pay for your selected courses and events, manage your account, review your registration history, make recommendations for future classes and more! The more challenging a situation, the more PPE needed. UFT Virtual Town Hall Report. Six or seven districts caused the whole system to shut down. Q: Blended learning: in person teacher will not do remote learning? Our national union is in court today over our 2000 colleagues in quarantine in Florida; similar in GA. Weekly Virtual Town Hall Meeting. This is a tough job.